LEaving the Building
Students may leave the building during the school day only with permission obtained from Principal Neil Geyette. A student seeking permission to leave the campus during the school day should bring a note from home signed by her or his parent/guardian stating the reason for the request or have the student email Mr. Geyette or Ms. Crawford. In case of an emergency, a student will only be released to a parent, an approved person from the student’s emergency contact list or in special cases with the permission of a parent when called by a staff member (nurse, secretary, principal.).
Early dismissals will not be issued during the first (not before 10:00) or last (not after 3:00) hours of the school day unless there is an emergency.
Early dismissals will not be issued during the first (not before 10:00) or last (not after 3:00) hours of the school day unless there is an emergency.