It's that time again, since sales are now starting for Back To Supplies, attached is a list of items needed for next year. Please check out the website as this list may be updated again mid-late August.
School Wide Supplies
Book Bag
Headphones (ear buds) to be used in each course indicated below
Index cards
Loose leaf paper - lined/college ruled
Paper clips or clasps
Pocket folders (assorted portfolio folders to keep work organized -with or without clasps.)
Posted notes
Tracker keeper or Binder to hold portfolio folders
In addition to supplies listed above, here are course requirements:
9th Grade Math
Loose leaf paper
Graph paper
Geometry (
The supply list for geometry includes:
Protractors 49 cents staples
Compass. 1.99 Office Depot
Spiral notebook
Students are free to purchase all items from the store of their choice
For U-ology U School 101 course:
all 9th grade students should have a composition or spiral notebook that will be left in the classroom
ELA/Humanities: (Reed/McGeehan Mr. Reed email:[email protected] or Mr. McGeehan email:[email protected])
Headphones - will be required each day for every class
1 portfolio folder
1 spiral notebook
1 composition notebook
Ample supply of pencils and pens
Organize Lab
1 inch binder to remain in the classroom
Science (Osman email: [email protected])
Headphones will be required each day for every class
1" binder OR pronged folder
Please contact instructor directly via email w/ any questions.